Emergency Section
Quisque porta magna vel elementum ultrices. Quisque imperdiet dui vel enim gravida, vel porttitor neque dictum…
National Highway, Barangay Banlic, Cabuyao City, Laguna 4025
(049) 554-4625
Home | Treatment and Services
Quisque porta magna vel elementum ultrices. Quisque imperdiet dui vel enim gravida, vel porttitor neque dictum…
The industrial clinic serves as an occupational clinic that provides health…
The Laboratory, located at the ground level of Global Care Medical Center of Bay…
SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Global Medical Center of Laguna Clinical Care Units are designed to provide care and treatment for acute yet manageable patient conditions.
The Outpatient Section is an important part of the overall running of the hospital…
The Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center provides services that…
Global Care Medical Center of Bay provides the critical care and life support for acutely ill and injured patients…
Global Care Medical Center of Bay houses a developmentally supportive family-centered…
The Heart Station is an integrated facility that provides the appropriate services to address patient…
The presence of the Radiology Section is central to our patient’s disease management…
The Operating Room (OR) Complex is an integrated unit within which surgical…
The Pharmacy is open 24/7 and is established to provide an adequate supply of safe…
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